Video mmmm......?

Bueno, a continuación les dejo un video del grupo ColdPlay, el cual próximamente se presentará en Santiago.
Cuando lo ví la primera vez, creo que en MTV, quedé impactado por el duo que hace la presentación. Al tiempo después, supe cual era el nombre de la canción, en un principio pensé que podían ser bailarines caracterizando un personaje, pero después me di cuenta que era de verdad.
El asunto es que cada vez que lo veo, me produce una sensación muy rara, no se como describirla, puede que sea la canción en si, mezclada con el video, es una mezcla entre nostalgia, felicidad asombro, no se. Creo que lo he visto mas de una docena de veces, y al parecer me estoy haciendo adicto, jajajaja.
Se los dejo para que lo vean y vean si les produce lo mismo.

Les dejo un reportaje del sensacionalista SundayMirror, donde se puede leer un poco mas sobre el duo.

The incredible 'geriatric' gymnast whose breathtaking dance stunts have made her the star of chris Martin's new video at.. AGE 84!
By Deborah Sherwood Senior Writer

AT first glance nothing looks unusual... another eye-catching video to go with a rock band's latest hit.

But look a bit closer and the gymnast doing the splits and being chucked high into the air seems, well, a bit different from your average gym bunny.

Very different in fact. The "girl' being thrown around is actually an 84-year-old great-grandmother called Barbara Moseley. The "geriatric" gymnast is the supple star of Coldplay's video for their new single, The Hardest Part. The acrobatic octogenarian was first seen stretching her bendy body into agonising angles on US TV 16 years ago.

Now the world's biggest-selling band of last year have resurrected the footage and used some technological wizardry to make it look as if the rock group are performing with the dance duo.

Barbara was an incredible 59 years older than her dance partner Gene Spencer, 25, when the pair performed their breathtaking athletic routine in 1990 for a daytime programme shot in Miami. The stunned audience can be seen gasping out loud and wincing in pain as Babs is thrown around and stretched beyond most people's physical limits.

Sadly, Barbara died in 1996, aged 90, but 10 years afterwards she's back in the limelight as an unlikely music video star for Coldplay's new single, to be released on April 10.

Dressed in black strips of material and chains, her body looks decades younger squeezed into a skintight flesh-coloured bodysuit - but the white "mullet" hairdo is a the giveaway to her real age.

Her partner Gene, wearing tiny black briefs, begins their manoeuvres by lifting lithe Barbara up over his head before pulling her leg up to her nose.

Then he twirls her round in the air and lowers her down to the floor where she effortlessly does the splits. Next he spins her round before the grand finale when Barbara stands on his hands, with her hands on her hips, as the audience applaud wildly. Modern technology has been used to weave the old footage of the dancing pair taken from the 1990 show Attitudes Miami with shots of Coldplay. The camera flashes to frontman Chris Martin and Co as they perform against a background of blue sky and boats similar to the archive film.

The singer hubby of movie star Gwyneth Paltrow heard about the dance clip and liked it so much he wanted to use it in the video for the single from last year's biggest-selling album, X&Y, which has sold 8.3million copies.

Reports of Barbara's acrobatic exploits led to the dancer being booked on Jonathan Ross's Saturday Zoo Show in 1993, when she was 87.

Now, long after her death, Barbara's incredible athletic feats will be seen by millions of music fans ... making her the oldest swinger in town.


Musarañita dijo…
Hola, mi nombre es Berni, llegué a tu Blog pq andaba buscando el nombre de los bailarines de este video de coldplay! A mi también me produce una sensación indescriptible cuando lo veo...
Muy bueno el reportaje, aliña un poco la situación.
gosniak dijo…
felipez dijo…
es algo raro lo que me causa esa cancion tambien... ... la cancion habla de las cosas dificiles que nos pueden pasar, como dejar algo y hacer nada, no ser participe o esperar a que una campana sonara para comenzar... intentar hacer cosas y que son dificiles...

dificiles dije?
despuesde a barbara, con sus 84 años haciendo esas cosas?
que cosas son dificiles entonces?

a veces nuestra capacidad fisica la podemos controlar mejor que los mismos sentimientos?

esa es la parte mas dificil

claro contraste... lucha por lo que quieres... no hay nada tan complicado..

ese mensaje me deja

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